We begin the new year with the Burning Bowl Ceremony on January 5th and the White Stone Ceremony on January 12th.
The Burning Bowl is a healing ritual intended to symbolically 'burn' away anything from the past year that no longer benefits us. This involves contemplating our current selves and who we aspire to become. We meditate, reflect, and incinerate what we decide not to bring into the new year. This healing ceremony connects us with the Universe and the Divine, helping us envision the person we wish to evolve into and identify what in our life, thoughts, words, and actions might be hindering our alignment with Source.
The White Stone ceremony symbolizes freedom and renewal. The significance of the white stone dates back to the era of Jesus. Roman citizens were given white stones as a form of identification with Rome. If someone was imprisoned, their stone was confiscated. If they escaped and were found without a stone, they would be returned to prison, possibly facing death. However, if a prisoner was released, they were given a white stone, signifying their freedom.
Freedom arises from understanding what we are mourning. What have we associated with that provided a 'home', a 'comfort' that is now absent? What aspect of our life has transformed over the past year? Are we mourning a loved one, relocating, or experiencing a life change due to illness or a job? Perhaps we are ready to embrace what is available to us in this new year and seek a symbol of liberation from our past. This is the white stone. During the meditation and ceremony, you will receive a name or word that is yours to carry into the new year, to reflect upon, to embody, to become.
You are invited to join us for either or both events. After each ceremony, please stay for Fellowship and Light Refreshments.